Hi-Tech Lateral (or Vertical) Thinking
Rather than doing this spraying the traditional way, which would have been days of hand spraying, we enlisted the latest hi-tech drone spraying technology which did the job in a few hours and saved our client thousands of dollars.
Of course this meant extensive Civil Aviation approvals around some high voltage power lines inside the city boundary, but it certainly helps when the guy flying the drone is actually a fully qualified pilot. Just check out the deft drone handling skills in the video. Thanks to Agdrone for a job well done.
Up, Up, and Away . . .
As the swales run alongside the new walking and cycleways, we had to ensure there was no chance of any spray drift to early morning walkers or cyclists so picking the right weather was crucial something easier said than done given this summer’s topsy-turvy conditions.
Just another day in Erosion Control’s broad spectrum of environmental work.